I’ve been out of a job for a week, but haven’t been working for almost three months.
I am a person who is driven, passionate, and loves to work, have responsibility, and lead, so this not-working/staying-at-home thing is something that absolutely kills me. Sitting at home, getting unemployment, and trying to find jobs at churches or elsewhere…the uncertainly and lack of intensity drives me insane.
Throughout this three+ month walk along an oftentimes dark and unsure path, I am trying to be reflective of my life and walk with Jesus. As someone who trusts in God and the Bible, I have full confidence that nothing happens outside of God’s control or by chance. So for me, this job situation is just as spiritually impactful as going to church on Sunday, if not more.
I know from reading the Bible that God sometimes places us in these in-between situations to grow us and stretch us, especially as it relates to our faith in His goodness and love. So the question I am asking myself constantly is "God, what are you trying to teach me". This unsure path is meant to get me looking UP, not AROUND...and I can’t say with honesty that my eyes have stayed completely on Jesus for these three months. (Check out my buddy Pete for more details on that)
While at times I like to rebel or throw pity parties or rant at God, I am trusting that God does truly know me intimately and has a plan for me that I can either submit to or not. Open candor with God is always better than closed and angry feelings towards God. One opens communication, the other closes…and right now I’m trying to communicate and cry out like I’m sinking in the Sea of Galilee.
God has been continuously bringing me back to Psalm 139, especially in the past month. I am holding on to the truth of this passage, and praying for the faith to trust that God will actually do what He says. And instead of having little faith and sinking, I want to have big faith to be walking towards Jesus because I know if I do that, the rest will work itself out.
Here are three biblical ways to respond while walking through some of these uncertain paths:
1) trust that God is faithful to complete what He has started in you
2) know that all things happen to work for God's glory and our joy
3) hope that God is blessing and will bless you in ways you cannot currently see
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